Saturday 18 April 2009

I'm really bummed, there was this blog that i absolutely loved, I think it was called LoveMore, I remember it was a girl called erin who was in high school,, and i think she was from australia or maybe canada, I can't remember. Anyway, I just went to check her blog for the first time in ages and she's made it invite only :(. If any of you guys read it and she has invited you, maybe ask her if I can be invited lol. I don't think I ever commented on it (which is really bad-sorry!) but it was a great blog and I really enjoyed reading it so I'd love to be able to still read it.
My e-mail is but I'm bad about checking it so contact on here would probably be easiest! If it's invite only to her friends or whathaveyou, don't worry about it, just tell her I loved her blog, it was great!
If you could help me out, that would be great!

Another thing which I'm completely the opposite to bummed about, is that I was really pleased to log in and see so many comments on my last post! I know four doesn't seem like a lot, but I really appreciate you guys taking the time to give me feedback and let me know that people are actually reading this blog! I was bogged down with a lot of revision that day and it really brightened up my day to see a bunch of comments on this bog, since I guess it's still fairly new.
So thank-you alot for that as well, I really appreciate it!! I try to make a conscious effort to comment on people's blogs because I know how much it means to people now.

Anyway yeah sorry about this random post of nothingness, I promise I'll be back on fashion-track soon lol, although I have to say I won't be able to post very often because my GCSEs start in about 3 weeks, and I only just started revision so I'm working hard and my mum's being very strict lol!


Emma said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! I'm really glad you like it! Good luck studying for your exams- mine are coming up way too soon.
We should trade links!

Frances Davison said...

lovemore's blog is back running!
anabelle only made it private temporarily. x


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